Kickstart Your Monday: Funny Motivation Quotes for a Positive Week

kickstart your monday: funny motivation quotes for a positive week

Mondays are often seen as the toughest day of the week, marking the end of the weekend and the start of a busy work routine. However, with humor Monday motivation quotes, you can turn Mondays into a day filled with opportunity and positivity.

This article explores why Mondays are challenging and offers ways to boost your motivation, including some monday workout quotes to start your week with a smile.

Why Mondays are tough?

Mondays have earned a notorious reputation as the hardest day of the week. After a weekend of relaxation, returning to work or school can be challenging.

The transition from the laid-back atmosphere of Saturday and Sunday to the hustle and bustle of Monday morning often feels overwhelming.

happy monday quotes office scene
Happy monday quotes office scene

But why is that? Mondays disrupt the rhythm of rest, leaving many of us feeling unprepared for the demands of the workweek.

Additionally, the stress of pending tasks, deadlines, and meetings piles up, amplifying the anxiety associated with Mondays.

Therefore, humor Monday motivation quotes with products from HandmadeT Neon Sign will bring you a huge of energy to star your week.

Top 1001+ funny Monday motivation quotes

Humor with happy monday quotes funny can be a powerful tool for boosting motivation, especially on tough days like Monday.

Laughing at the inevitable struggles of the day can help lighten your mood and provide a fresh perspective with positive monday blessings quotes.

Here are some humor Monday motivation quotes to help you kick off your Monday with a smile.

Funny Monday motivation quotes for the first day of a week

  • “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.”

Mondays are viewed as annoying interruptions, just like potholes disrupt a smooth drive. These happy monday quotes for work emphasize how Mondays can make the journey through the week feel bumpy and difficult.

monday is happier with motivational quotes
Monday is happier with motivational quotes
  • “I really need a day between Sunday and Monday.”

These monday workout quotes reflect the wish for extra time to recover before facing Monday, symbolizing the reluctance to jump back into work after the weekend.

  • “Dear Monday, my mama doesn’t like you, and neither do I.”

Here, the dislike for Monday is exaggerated to a personal level, humorously suggesting that even loved ones share in the frustration of dealing with Mondays with monday morning quotes funny.

  • “Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes!”

These humor monday motivation quotes offer a more optimistic take, implying that Monday is a fresh start, allowing you to fix errors from the previous week and improve moving forward.

  • “Mondays are fine. It’s your life that sucks.”

These monday funny quotes use irony to say that it’s not really Monday that’s bad, but rather the other stresses in life that make the day feel more challenging than it should be.

  • “If each day is a gift, I’d like to return Monday.”

Using sarcasm, these monday morning quotes funny treat Monday like an unwanted present, expressing the wish to avoid the day altogether, just as one might return a disappointing gift.

  • “The only thing worse than a Monday is Monday with no coffee.”

These monday morning quotes funny play on the idea that Monday is bad enough on its own, but without coffee to boost energy, happy monday quotes funny become almost unbearable.

  • “Monday: nothing that a new dress and a nice pair of shoes can’t fix!”

Suggesting that treating oneself to something nice can improve a bad day, Monday morning quotes funny show how little things, like new clothes, can brighten up even the dreaded Monday with monday workout quotes.

  • “Ugh, Monday. I have a case of the Mondays.”

These monday morning quotes funny is a humorous way of acknowledging how many people feel sluggish and unmotivated at the start of the week, coining the phrase “a case of the Mondays” to describe it.

  • “It’s Monday, but keep smiling—you’re halfway to Friday!”

Offering a positive spin, these monday funny quotes remind people that once Monday is over, they’re already moving toward the weekend.

Monday morning quotes funny encourage maintaining a cheerful attitude despite the challenges of the day.

  1. “Remember, no matter how tough Mondays are, you’re tougher!”
  2. “Rise and shine, it’s Monday—time to unleash your awesomeness upon the world!”
  3. “Coffee in hand, enthusiasm in heart—let’s kick Monday’s butt together!”
  4. “Monday is the perfect day to create your to-do list and promptly clear it out.”
  5. “You’ve got 99 problems, but Monday won’t be one of them!”
  6. “Treat your Mondays like superheroes in disguise—they give you the power to conquer the week!”
  7. “I don’t let Monday dictate my mood— I show it who’s boss!”
  8. “No more Monday blues—today, you paint the town red with your infectious laughter!”
  9. “Get in line because Mondays are the VIP pass to a week full of adventures and achievements.”
  10. “Monday is the beginning of a beautiful love affair but with your goals and dreams.”
  11. “It’s Monday, Wake up, Dream Big, Show up, and Slay your goals.”
  12. “Monday is another opportunity to rock your goals afresh.”
  13. “Monday is a reminder that you can handle whatever life throws at you.”
  14. “Monday is your partner in Crime on your journey to success – It’s not a rival, so rock it.”
  15. “Coffee, check. Positive attitude, check. Monday, let’s do this!”
  16. “Mondays are like a canvas waiting for you to paint them with funny moments. Create a masterpiece today.”
  17. “You master Monday. You start winning the day. You start winning the week. Then the month. Then the year.” Eric Thomas
  18. “Don’t let Monday be a stumbling block; let it be a stepping stone toward a week full of laughter and cheer!”
  19. “Mondays are the start of the workweek, which offers new beginnings 52 times a year!” – David Dweck
  20. “Monday is like a rising sun. It’s time to shine brightly.” Byron Pulsifer.
  21. “Monday, you may have a reputation for being tough, but I’m here to show you I’m badass.”
  22. “Oops! It’s Monday – A reminder that the weekend will come again. But until then, let’s make the most of it and find humor in every moment.”
  23. “Hey Monday, I’m tougher.”
  24. “Create your motivation and strike your goals – Don’t wait for Monday’s motivations.”
  25. “No Monday can bring you down when you wear confidence like a superhero cape!”
  26. “Mondays are the fresh start buttons of life.”
  27. “Coffee and courage: the perfect Monday morning blend.”
  28. “Turn your Monday blues into Monday hues.”
  29. “Mondays are for making things happen, not excuses.”
  30. “Monday is a chance to reset your goals and refocus your energy.”
  31. “Let’s conquer Monday, one positive thought at a time.”
  32. “Success is built one Monday at a time.”
  33. “Monday is your canvas; paint it with positivity.”
  34. “Kickstart your week with enthusiasm on Monday morning.”
  35. “Monday is the day to sparkle and shine.”
  36. “Wake up, be awesome, repeat – that’s the Monday mantra.”
  37. “Don’t wait for the weekend to have fun; start on Monday!”
  38. “Monday is a chance to be better than you were last week.”
  39. “Mondays are for those who dare to dream and do.”
  40. “A positive attitude is the best accessory for a Monday.”
  41. “Mondays are for progress, not perfection.”
  42. “The only limits on a Monday are the ones you set for yourself.”
  43. “Every Monday is a chance to rewrite your success story.”
  44. “Mondays are the fresh start buttons of life.”
  45. “Coffee and courage: the perfect Monday morning blend.”
  46. “Turn your Monday blues into Monday hues.”
  47. “Mondays are for making things happen, not excuses.”
  48. “Monday is a chance to reset your goals and refocus your energy.”
  49. “Let’s conquer Monday, one positive thought at a time.”
  50. “Success is built one Monday at a time.”
  51. “Monday is your canvas; paint it with positivity.”
  52. “Kickstart your week with enthusiasm on Monday morning.”
  53. “Monday is the day to sparkle and shine.”
  54. “Wake up, be awesome, repeat – that’s the Monday mantra.”
  55. “Don’t wait for the weekend to have fun; start on Monday!”
  56. “Monday is a chance to be better than you were last week.”
  57. “Mondays are for those who dare to dream and do.”
  58. “A positive attitude is the best accessory for a Monday.”
  59. “Mondays are for progress, not perfection.”
  60. “The only limits on a Monday are the ones you set for yourself.”
  61. “Every Monday is a chance to rewrite your success story.”
  62. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” —Aristotle
  63. “Just say yes. Just say there’s nothing holding you back.” —Zoe Sugg
  64. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” —Michael Jordan
  65. “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” —Les Brown
  66. “Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.” —Sara Blakely
  67. “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” —Ayn Rand
  68. “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” —Jamie Paolinetti
  69. “The Hamptons are filled with people who are winners Monday through Friday.” —Jerry Della Femina
  70. “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” —Estée Lauder
  71. “As important as it is to have a plan for doing work, it is perhaps more important to have a plan for rest, relaxation, self-care, and sleep.” ―Akiroq Brost
  72. “Mondays are the start of the work week, which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” —David Dweck

Funny Monday Morning Quotes

  1. “On Monday mornings, I need a motivational quote on my coffee mug just to convince myself to drink it.”
  2. “Oh, dear, rise and shine! It’s Monday morning – oops, Just kidding, rise and survive!
  3. “I need a Monday morning teleportation device to skip straight to Friday’s happy hour.”
  4. “Instead of going to work, I’m on my way to declare Monday as a national nap day. Who’s with me?”
  5. “Monday mornings are nature’s way of reminding us that the weekend is overrated and it’s a blink of an eye.”
  6. “Dear Monday mornings, I think we need some time apart. It’s not me; it’s definitely you; let’s try again another time.”
  7. “On Monday mornings, my brain is still in weekend mode, figuring out where I left my motivation.”
  8. “I actually have a love-hate relationship with Monday mornings. I love to hate them!
  9. “Monday mornings are like gym memberships. We start off with good intentions but end up quitting before 12 pm.”
  10. “Every time I see my boss’s missed call on a Monday, I’m reminded why Fridays are important.”
  11. “Monday Mornings when I try to ignore my alarm – “Hi-yah”, your bills are calling.”
  12. “Monday mornings prove that a genius who understood our struggle invented coffee.”
  13. “Dear Monday morning, please show up fashionably late next week. Sincerely, yours tiredly.”
  14. “Coffee is the magical potion that makes Monday mornings somewhat bearable.”
  15. “Monday mornings should be declared illegal, or at least have a snooze button.”
  16. “Monday mornings are a struggle! They are like bad hair days that last for 24 hours.”
  17. “I’m dressing up to work on a Monday morning, knowing I’ll question my life choices before 10 am at work.”
  18. “Monday mornings are like Mondays, dressed up in their Sunday best, pretending to be nice but looses their cool at noon.”
  19. “Oh, I’m not saying Monday mornings are a test of my character, but they’re definitely a test of my will to live.”
  20. “Monday mornings remind me why adulting is hard and staying a kid forever is harder.”
  21. “Every time I realize the worst is happening! It’s because Monday morning is happening.”
  22. “I’m not a morning person, especially on Mondays. More like a ‘gimme coffee or face my wrath’ kinda person.”
  23. “Dear Monday, please let me sleep in just five more minutes. Sincerely, everyone ever.”
  24. “Monday mornings are the reason we appreciate Fridays so much. They make the weekend taste even sweeter.”
  25. “Monday mornings are nature’s way of reminding us that the weekend is over, and it’s time to pay our bills.”
  26. “Dear Monday, I want to break up.” I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, It’s not me, It’s you.”
  27. “I don’t have Mondays. I have ‘I am in dire need of more sleep’ days.”
  28. “Monday: the day when my coffee cup and I become one.”
  29. “Monday morning is the only battle where the alarm clock is the enemy and the bed is the ally.”
  30. “Wishing you a Happy Monday. Just kidding, they don’t exist.”
  31. “Monday is the day that even my coffee needs a motivational quote.”
  32. “I swear Friday was five minutes ago. And now it’s Monday? Time is clearly into some kind of witchcraft.”
  33. “Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday.”
  34. “Monday has been canceled. Go back to sleep.”
  35. “Monday should be optional. I vote for a three-day weekend.”
  36. “Mondays are to workers what kryptonite is to Superman. Deadly and weakening.”
  37. “Monday is the root of all evil.”
  38. “Monday mornings feel like someone threw a brick at your face and then asked you to be grateful for it.”
  39. “Good morning! Remember, even Mondays can’t resist a cheerful smile.”
  40. “Hello, Monday! Let’s tackle this day like it owes us a great weekend.”
  41. “Coffee: because Monday can’t be trusted to be good on its own.”
  42. “Mondays are like alarm clocks – annoying but necessary to start a new day.”
  43. “Good morning, world! Monday is just another opportunity to be your fabulous self.”
  44. “Monday is the day to shine, even if it’s with the brightness of your coffee mug.”
  45. “Embrace the new week with a smile. Happy Monday to a fresh start and new opportunities!”
  46. “Happy Monday! Let’s welcome this week with an open heart and a big dose of positivity.”
  47. “Mondays are for fresh beginnings. Seize the opportunity to set a positive tone for the rest of the week.”
  48. “Rise and shine! Happy Monday and here’s to a week filled with potential and promise.”
  49. “Let’s make this Monday one of the good ones. One where you demonstrate the power of a positive attitude and brace yourself for a fantastic week.”
  50. “Happy Monday! Remember, a day on Earth is a gift, not a given right. Make it count.”
  51. “Start your week with a burst of optimism. Happy Monday and best wishes for a splendid week ahead!”
  52. “Happy Monday! Let’s brush off the cobwebs of the weekend and tackle the new week with vigor.”
  53. “Mondays are a clean slate, a fresh start. Approach it with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant.”
  54. “Every Monday is a chance to start a new life, so use it.”
  55. “Wake up, spread happiness and sparkle with positive vibes. Happy Monday!”
  56. “Happy Monday! Let this day be a reflection of all the good things you plan to achieve the rest of the week.”
  57. “A happy Monday sets the stage for a week of smiles and success. Embrace it!”
  58. “Let’s flip the narrative: Happy Monday, a day to fuel your dreams and aspirations!”
  59. “Mondays are for go-getters and positive thinkers. Let’s make this one count!”
  60. “Happy Monday! Let’s greet this week with great enthusiasm and a positive outlook.”
  61. “Start your week right: stay positive, work hard, and make this Monday happy!”
  62. “Happy Monday! Remember, happiness is a choice, and so is how you greet every new week.”
  63. “Breathe in courage, exhale doubt. Happy Monday and here’s to conquering the week ahead!”
  64. “Happy Monday! Let’s make this week about achieving our goals and spreading positivity.”
  65. “Start your Monday with a positive thought and watch the magic unfold throughout the week.”
  66. “Happy Monday! Each new week is a new opportunity to shine and show the world your light.”
  67. “Cheers to a happy Monday and a week filled with the sweet success of fulfilled goals.”
  68. “Embrace this Monday with a smile. Work hard and remember that you don’t have to impress anybody but yourself.”
  69. “Happy Monday! Let’s not only dream about success but work for it this week.”

Finding humor in challenges of monday

Life is filled with challenges, and Mondays are no exception. Learning to laugh at the difficulties of Monday can make a significant difference in how you approach the week.

When you find the monday quotes for work funny in everyday challenges, you build resilience and reduce stress.

  • “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”

These funny monday motivation quotes remind us that our response to challenges matters more than the challenge itself, and a good sense of humor can make all the difference.

humor monday motivation quotes
Humor monday motivation quotes
  • “If you’re going through hell, keep going. And maybe laugh along the way!”

Finding humor even in the darkest times with monday morning quotes funny can help you keep moving forward, easing the burden of tough situations.

  • “I always like to look on the bright side of life. If there isn’t one, polish the dull side.”

Monday workout quotes playful take on optimism encourages us to find humor in hardship, even if it means creating our own silver lining.

  • “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

Monday morning quotes funny brings people together and can help ease tension during difficult times, making challenges more manageable.

  • “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

These monday funny quotes suggest that no matter how challenging the day, finding something to laugh about makes it worthwhile.

  • “A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing.”

Laughing at life’s challenges helps to clear away stress and uncertainty, offering a fresh perspective and renewed energy with monday morning quotes funny.

  • “Humor is just another defense against the universe.”

Sometimes, humor is our best shield against the chaos and unpredictability of life’s challenges, helping us cope with grace and happy monday quotes funny.

  • “You can’t be mad at somebody who makes you laugh—it’s as simple as that.”

Humor can diffuse anger and frustration, making it easier to handle conflict or difficult situations.

Laughing at the Monday Blues

The Monday blues are real, but they don’t have to be overwhelming. Start your week off by finding something that makes you laugh—whether these’re humor monday motivation quotes, a humorous video, or a lighthearted conversation with a friend. Laughter not only boosts your mood but also lowers your stress levels.

  • “Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”

This playful comparison turns the challenges of Monday into a relatable math problem, making it easier to laugh at the chaos with monday workout quotes.

  • “Monday is the day that makes me feel like I’m 97 years old by 10 AM.”

Highlighting how draining Mondays can feel, these positive monday blessings quotes use exaggeration to create humor around the feeling of exhaustion.

  • “I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.”

These funny monday motivation quotes humorously reflect the feeling that the weekend flew by, leaving you surprised that it’s already Monday again.

  • “Monday: the moment when Sunday stops feeling like the weekend and starts feeling like Monday.”

These happy monday quotes for work capture the way Sunday evening can begin to feel like the dreaded lead-up to Monday, poking fun at the sense of anticipation.

monday with motivational quotes to enhance energy
Monday with motivational quotes to enhance energy
  • “The best cure for the Monday blues is to stay in bed until Tuesday.”

Monday workout quotes humorous take suggests the easiest way to handle Monday is simply avoiding it altogether!

  • “If Monday had a face, I would punch it.”

Expressing frustration through humor, these monday morning hilarious monday quotes funny show how Monday can be so annoying that you just want to give it a (fictional) punch.

  • “Even the calendar says ‘WTF’ after Monday.”

Pointing out how the days of the week abbreviate as “WTF” after Monday, these happy monday monday quotes funny are a lighthearted way to poke fun at how confusing the week can feel after the weekend ends.

  • “Monday is the root of all evil.”

Using exaggeration, this quote humorously blames Monday for all life’s problems, turning the day into a villain that we all love to hate.

  1. “Monday Blues: because even the calendar says WTF after Sunday.”
  2. “If Monday had a face, I’d make it wear a cone of shame.”
  3. “The only blue Monday I accept is a denim one.”
  4. “Monday Blues are the adult version of ‘The dog ate my homework’.”
  5. “Can we start the weekend over again? I wasn’t ready for Monday.”
  6. “Monday Blues? I thought you said ‘Monday Brews’. My mistake.”
  7. “Monday Blues are just God’s way of punishing us for the things we did over the weekend.”
  8. “Monday Blues? More like Monday Bruise from hitting the snooze too hard.”
  9. “My Monday Blues have more shades than my coffee.”
  10. “Monday Blues: proof that even the calendar goes through mood swings.”
  11. “Monday Blues? I prefer the term ‘Pre-Taco Tuesday Depression’.”
  12. “Monday Blues: because life’s way of saying, ‘Welcome back to reality’.”
  13. “Monday Blues: because every week deserves a villain.”
  14. “Overcoming Monday Blues one coffee at a time.”
  15. “Monday Blues are just a reminder that my bed and I are in a committed relationship.”

Amazing Monday Quotes

  1. “Mondays are like paintbrushes: with the right attitude, you can color the week in shades of joy.”
  2. “Embrace Monday with a smile; it’s your first step towards a week of possibilities.”
  3. “Find the magic on Mondays, and suddenly, every week feels like a new wonderland.”
  4. “Mondays are for fresh starts and big dreams. Let’s make it amazing!”
  5. “Who says Mondays can’t be fun? Challenge accepted!”
  6. “Monday is a canvas. Splash it with colors of positivity and laughter.”
  7. “Don’t let Monday be mundane. Sprinkle it with fun and watch the week sparkle!”
  8. “Rise and shine! Monday’s here to set the tone for a week of fun and achievements.”
  9. “Monday’s motto: New day, new vibes, new adventures.”
  10. “Let’s flip the script: Monday is not the enemy, it’s the opening act of a thrilling week.”
  11. “Monday is just a reminder that the weekend has set you up for a week of success and smiles.”
  12. “Cheers to Monday: the day we reset, recharge, and rev up for a fantastic week!”
  13. “Mondays are the unsung heroes, quietly setting the stage for amazing things to happen.”
  14. “Monday is the key that unlocks a treasure chest of new opportunities.”
  15. “Let Monday be your trampoline: jump high and reach for the stars of success.”
  16. “Mondays are whispers of the week’s potential, urging us to dream big and laugh often.
  17. “So. Monday. We meet again. We will never be friends—but maybe we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more positive partnership.” —Julio Alexi Genao
  18. “If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.” —Olin Miller
  19. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.” —Tom Wilson
  20. “When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” —Ella Woodward
  21. “There isn’t a Monday that would not cede its place to Tuesday.” —Anton Chekhov
  22. “Monday Morning Blues? Why not change the color of your Monday to yellow and brighten up the coming week?” —Kanika Saxena
  23. “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where to return Mondays!” —John Wagner

Quotes for entrepreneurs

  1. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO“If we can challenge convention, we can solve any problem.” -–Josh Valman, founder and CEO of RPD International
  2. “It is better to fail in originality, than to succeed in imitation.” – Herman Melville, author and poet
  3. “If you can help your people have clarity of what their role is, they can achieve amazing things – particularly when the entrepreneur empowers them with responsibility.” – Creel Price, CEO of Investible.
  4. “There’s lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there’s only one good, legitimate reason, and I think you know what it is: it’s to change the world.” – Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote.
  5. “I like to think of ideas as potential energy. They’re really wonderful, but nothing will happen until we risk putting them into action.” – Mae Jemison, engineer
  6. “I suffer from the delusion that every product of my imagination is not only possible, but always on the cusp of becoming real.” – Sean Parker, Napster
  7. “If Google teaches you anything, it’s that small ideas can be big.” – Ben Silbermann, Pinterest
  8. “I knew that if I failed, I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.” – Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon
  9. “Before dreaming about the future or making plans, you need to articulate what you already have going for you – as entrepreneurs do.” – Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder
  10. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” – George Herbert
  11. “Success is not about being the best; it’s about always getting better.” – Scott Belsky, Behance Founde
  12. “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” – Thomas Jefferso
  13. “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.’ – Wayne Dyer, author and motivational speaker
  14. “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” – Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and cosmologist
  15. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill, Former British PM, entrepreneur, and investor
  16. “The key to success is to be authentic and true to yourself.” – Zoe Foster Blake, author, skin care founder and entrepreneur
  17. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer, Author
  18. “Success begins with believing in yourself.” – Sam Kerr, Australia women’s national soccer team captain
  19. “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” – Jules Renard, Naturalist, Humorist, Playwright
  20. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky, hockey player
  21. “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill, Former British PM, entrepreneur, and investor
  22. “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” – Conrad Hilton, American businessman

Funny Monday Coffee Quotes

  1. “Coffee and Monday: a match made in sleepyhead heaven.”
  2. “On Mondays, coffee is my spirit animal.”
  3. “I like my coffee how I like my Mondays: strong and bold.”
  4. “Coffee first, adulting second – especially on Mondays.”
  5. “Coffee is the only way I survive Monday mornings without a meltdown.”
  6. “Monday checklist: coffee, coffee, and more coffee.”
  7. “Mondays are a brew-tiful excuse for extra cups of coffee.”
  8. “Mondays are the reason coffee was invented.”
  9. “I’m not a morning person until I’ve had my Monday coffee.”
  10. “Coffee makes Monday feel less like a Monday.”
  11. “Coffee: the official sponsor of my Monday survival.”
  12. “Monday mornings are the only time I’m not on speaking terms with my alarm clock, but coffee is my best friend.”
  13. “Mondays are the villains, and coffee is the hero of my week.”
  14. “Coffee is my motivation to face Monday head-on.”
  15. “Coffee on a Monday is like a hug in a mug.”
  16. “Mondays are for coffee and contemplation, but mostly coffee.”

Positive Quotes For Mondays

  1. “The sun himself is weak when he first rises; and gathers strength and courage as the day goes on.” —Charles Dickens
  2. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in, and day-out.” —Unknown
  3. “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” —Margaret Thatcher
  4. “Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end, you are sure to succeed.” —Abraham Lincoln
  5. “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” —Sukhraj S. Dhillon
  6. “We only have one life, and it is very precious, and there’s a lot we can do, and there’s a lot we should do.” —Selena Gomez
  7. “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” —Nido Qubein
  8. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” —Zig Ziglar
  9. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” —Maya Angelou
  10. “There are many opportunities in every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.” —Isabella Koldras
  11. “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” —Colin Powell
  12. “Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.” —Albert Einstein
  13. “I like sunrises, Mondays, and new seasons. God seems to be saying, ‘with me, you can always start afresh.’” —Ada Lum
  14. “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.” —Ken Poirot

HandmadeT Neon Sign’s fun with humor monday motivation quotes

If you’re looking for a way to brighten your first day of the week with monday quotes for work funny, why not try something fun and visually inspiring?

HandmadeT Neon Sign offer a wide range of motivational products that can instantly lift your mood.

Whether you hang a “Stay Positive” neon signs in your home office or a “Carpe Diem” light in your living room, these vibrant products are a great way to inject some fun into your Monday routine.

HandmadeT Neon Sign’s products for coffee

Croissant Coffee Neon Sign Art

croissant coffee neon sign
Croissant coffee neon sign

Book Coffee Talk Neon Light Book Coffee Led Sign

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Book coffee talk neon light book coffee led sign

Custom All I Need Are Books And Coffee Neon Sign

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Custom all i need are books and coffee neon light quote text neon sign neon wall decoration signage

Sloffee Neon Sign Sloth Coffee Led Sign

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Sloffee neon sign sloth coffee led sign for wall decoration

Custom name neon signs

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Vintage neon signs

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Pinball Neon Sign Pinball Retro LED Sign

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Retro record player neon sign retro record player neon light neon signage

Why Choose HandmadeT Neon Sign to buy motivational products to boost your day?

HandmadeT Neon Signs are not just visually appealing—they’re also a unique way to keep your motivation levels high with happy monday monday quotes funny. Made with high-quality materials, these neon signs with funny monday motivation quotes are designed to last and add a touch of personality to any space.

Whether you’re working from home or in an office, these products can help you stay motivated and focused, even on tough days like Monday besides humor monday motivation quotes.

Not only that, HandmadeT Noen Sign also provides customers with high-quality custom neon signs at affordable prices and gives them more options when buying at this store.

How to find and share humor monday motivation quotes

Finding humor monday motivation quotes is easier than ever, thanks to the wealth of resources available online.

Whether you prefer browsing social media platforms, visiting humor blogs, or using happy monday monday quotes funny, there are plenty of options to help you find the perfect quote to share with friends or colleagues.

Sharing these motivational hilarious monday quotes is a great way to bond with others over the shared experience of Monday struggles and lighten the mood for everyone.

FAQs about humor monday motivation quotes

Why do people need humor monday motivation quotes?

Monday motivation quotes help set a positive tone for the week, lifting spirits and reducing the stress associated with the start of the workweek.

Can humor really make a difference on a tough Monday?

Absolutely! Humor is known to relieve stress and improve mood, making it an excellent tool for dealing with the Monday blues and monday morning hilarious monday quotes funny.

Where can I find humor monday motivation quotes?

Funny Monday quotes can be found on social media, humor websites, and even through apps designed for motivational quotes.


Humor monday motivation quotes help you to boost your energy to have amazing and enthusiastic first day of the week. Embrace their power to fuel your workouts and stay committed to your goals.

Let’s visit HandmadeT Neon Sign to buy more neon products with adorable prices and freeship for the first order.

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